Monday, January 18, 2010

Cold Nights, Snow Fights, Drunken Heights

Tonight I finished my first drawing for my class. I felt surprisingly confident with the end result. Although not completely satisfied with the overall layout and composition, it felt good to be closer to better line quality and clarity.

The snow is melting today and it's kind of sad. I miss my blanketed earth with the marks of animals scampering around on the ground. I miss watching my hot breath leave my lungs and seep into the black night.

Had a great weekend with 3 of the greatest friends I've ever had. We laughed so hard we cried. We drank so much we passed out on strangers beds. It was a beautiful thing coming back to my room at 2am and seeing all of them squished onto my futon, passed out under the soft, chinese lantern lights. One I met before my memory begins. One I met on the best night of my life. One was the tiny hello in the large hall. My girls. I know our paths may never come together for such a weekend again, but while it lasted, it was such a beautiful thing.

Laundry and reading tonight, library and drawing tomorrow.
It's so good to get back to the life I missed.

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